Successfully winning talent in Germany – How Chinese companies can increase their competitiveness in HR Management

Date: Fr. 22.09.2023

Time: 2:00 pm (NIO Testdrive) / 3:00 pm (official Event Start)

Language: EN/CH

Venue: Joachim-Erwin-Platz 3, 40212 Düsseldorf (NIO House Düsseldorf)

Germany is currently facing a never seen demand in regards to talent. Companies are struggling to fill their vacancies with qualified and motivated employees. Especially Chinese companies encounter severe difficulties to find suitable personnel in order to achieve their ambitious goals. In our seminar JP contagi will elaborate typical HR challenges of Chinese companies in Germany and will give practical hints how to successfully recruit talent.

JP contagi Partner Xiao HAN will share her experience in consulting Chinese companies from a intercultural point of view. Further, JP contagi Managing Partner Martin TJAN will showcase how he recruited management personnel for NIO (at that time NextEV) when the company just entered the German market.

Main Points:

  1. Recruitment&Retention
  2. Employer Branding
  3. HR Management

This CHKD Member Event offers a diverse programme from a test drive with a NIO car, a short tour to the NIO Swap Station, NIO House Düsseldorf tour, to our CHKD main part, where we will discuss together with our consultant network member jp contagi about the topic: Successfully winning talent in Germany.

*Please note that participation for the Testdrive is very limited. Please register early here. The test drive starts at 2pm.

The official start of the CHKD Member Event is at 3pm and starts with the NIO House Tour. We look forward to seeing you!


2-3 pm            Excl. NIO Experience Drive and Power Swap Experience*

3-4 pm            NIO House Tour (official start of the Member Event)

4    pm            Greetings CHKD and JP contagi

4:10 pm           Successfully winning talent in Germany –  How Chinese companies can increase their competitiveness in HR Management | Xiao Han, Associate Partner, JP contagi

4:40 pm           Showcasing: Recruitment Management (example NIO personnel) | Martin Tjan, Managing Partner, JP contagi

5:15 pm           Q&A

5:30 pm          Networking (drinks + fingerfood)

Please register till the 19th of September online here.

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