Compliance seminar – Navigating the complex compliance obligations and risks of German companies

Date: (Friday) 17.11.2023

Time: 15:00 pm (CET)

Language: English 


Beiten Burkhardt Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

Cecilienallee 7

40474 Düsseldorf

Compliance with business rules and regulations is critical to doing business in Germany, and companies need to have a thorough understanding of the complex German and EU compliance rules and responsibilities to protect the smooth and healthy operation of their business from the threat of legal sanctions. Register for our upcoming seminar to learn about the latest legal and regulatory developments in the German market and gain insight into best practices for compliance management. Our compliance experts will provide you with practical guidance on how you can protect your business operations and avoid potential criminal liability.

Main Topics:

1. Compliance responsibility and prevention of corruption
2. Implementation of the Whistleblower Protection Act and data protection
3.Supply Chain Due Diligence Act – the role of the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (Oliver Ofosu-Ayeh)
4.Renumeration of works council members and criminal liability (Kristin Trittermann)


15:00  Beginning of the event

15:10  Compliance responsibility and prevention of corruption | Jochen Pörtge, Partner

15:30  Implementation of the Whistleblower Protection Act and data protection | Mathias Zimmer-Goertz, Partner

16:00  Supply Chain Due Diligence Act – the role of the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control | Oliver Ofosu-Ayeh, Associate

16:20  Renumeration of works council members and criminal liability | Kristin Trittermann, Associate

16:40  Q&A

Please register here till the 14th of November.

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